
Posted on 1:00 PM

Humanity Love and Relationships

By SynClaire at 1:00 PM

Humanity is an element that enforces love and relationship. Humanity illustrates humane, and shows qualities of human creation throughout the course of the lifetime. Humans have mechanisms created inside of them that compose all the elements that make love grow. The elements of trust, honesty, hope, dreams, loyalty, faithfulness, self-control, long-suffering, communication, listen, hear, et cetera makeup a human being. Compassion, consideration, emotions, thoughts, fantasies, and strength also compose a human being.

When a person lacks humane, humanity love and relationships are short-lived, and rarely does the person live a productive lifestyle.

Humans come in all forms, and sometimes-mental patterns are off balance due to mental illnesses, physical ailments, and/or ungodly teachings. Opinions, theories and philosophy often lead up to problems throughout human existence simply because everyone thinks they have all the answers to the questions that promote life.

Persons with mental illnesses are often left without love, since philosophers or therapists left the notion in people’s heads that these people are not capable of loving someone else. This has proven throughout the years to be an outright lie, since mental ill people love everyday, and often seek out true love and provides devotion to their relationships. Sure, there are few types of people that do not have the ability to love (or else love the way humanity expects), but these types of people often have mental illnesses that include dangerous ailments.

Psychopathic individuals have developed relationships and worked through the relationships, but still these people often cause harm, or have harmful intentions. Many believe that psychopathic minds are dangerous minds, or murderous minds, but this is not true. Thus, theories, opinions and philosophers have left a trail of broken relationships by inserting notions into minds around the world.

Down through the years lack of humanity has lead to failure in love and relationships. Inhumane acts consist of lacking respect for mates. When a person fails to respect the mate, the relationship often deteriorates if the partner fails to learn to respect the right of the other.

Again, this is where beliefs and standards come in, since stepping on your mates belief and standards often leads to chaos. The traditions and basic laws of love and relationships are ever altering, which most times guides love into the wrong direction. At what time persons are, give the wrong impression about how love works the minds of humanity turn into an evolutionary root that leads to nothing. Thus, belief, traditions, and standards are the root of humankind and when those roots are altered by influential notions relationships tend to become frustrating rather than loving.

Many times a relationship can find resolve in both parties work together to remove the problems that cause destruction. Jealousy is one of the leading causes of divorce and separation, yet jealousy is understated and overstated in most instances. A couple may strike out of jealousy for various reasons including one partner making more income than the other partner does. Thus, this is a common problem in the world and many of the complainers are men.

Men focus on pride and dignity often, which creates another problem in relationships and love. When the spouse or partner is not meeting his demands, chaos and arguments usually develop. Thus, nowadays it takes two people, or rather four people to make ends meet. Therefore, amount of income generated in the home should not be a problem, rather a reward if financial obligations are met.

Other problems such as lack of performance in love and relationship drain partners and thus separation and/or divorce often results. When one partner is not fulfilling his/her obligations, or else using sex as a weapon to get their way; or else showing lack of interest in the other partner, failure surely will follow.

Thus, relationships include giving and taking. When one partner is giving more than the other is, failure is surely to result. Giving includes intimacy, caring, sharing, et cetera. When two people share they are giving the best of each other, thus the relationship often leads to love. Giving is one of the elements that compose love, yet other mechanisms are essential to make love last.

Posted on 1:00 PM

Habits Breaking Down Love and Relationships

By SynClaire at 1:00 PM

Habits can make or break love and relationships. Habits form over the years, and some habits are good, while others are disturbing. Everyday a person seeks out relationships, but as the day’s progress and standards are lower, frustration becomes the focus of a long journey. As a writer, I communicate with people all over the world. Many of people join chat rooms believing the right person will come their way. Once in the chat room, they soon learn that the Internet is where games are frequently to main goal of the many abroad, thus frustration sets in again.

Sexual transmitted diseases (STD) have put the breaks on love and relationship. Although few continue to join in and out of relationship searching for their soul mate, the breaks are on. Throughout the decades people have spread them self around like germs, participating in sexual relationships with the intent of leaving the person behind. Women at one time were less reluctant to have multiple partners, but as the days, progressed women too joined the bandwagon called promiscuousness.

Some relationships start with one partner believing that the other mate will change over time once love falls into place. People have started relationships with drug addicts, alcoholics, promiscuous persons and so forth, believing that they had the ability to change the person’s habit. As the relationship progresses the mate with intentions of changing the other soon learns that changes are not happening. Thus, intention plays a part in how a relationship works. If the couples are out to change the other, more than likely the relationship will fail.

Intentions are important, since if the best of intentions does not exist, thus harm will be the outcome. Therefore, couples should evaluate their intentions when joining in relationship and love. The couple should also take the time to get to know each other before engaging in sex or commitments. When the two take the time to learn each other’s behavior and habits they can determine if love could develop between the two of them. If the habits are tolerable, thus a relationship is possible, however if the habits are problematic, only trouble will incur, since harmful intentions exist. The person may not feel as though harmful intentions exist, since the habit covers the mind’s ability to think logically.

If the person has alcohol and/or drug problems, an agreement has to take place before the person is capable of delivering a healthy relationship. The person must first admit a problem exists and learn to accept that a disease is controlling the life. Once acceptance is in place, the person must take the steps to recovering from the disease. Throughout the procedure of seeking and getting help, the person must come to terms with self and learn to love self before he/she is capable of giving love to someone else. The person must also have support and try hard to meet the demands of quitting the habit that controls his/her life. The process can take months or years for recovery, however the time is nothing compared to the results the person will experience when alcohol is no longer controlling the life. Thus, the person can then seek out, searching for love and relationship. Still, the relationship sought out should include an individual willing to provide emotional support, since relapse could occur.

At what time you are searching for love and relationship, keeping aware is essential to avoid letdowns. When a person is aware of what he/she is searching for, thus good results often follow. Therefore, we see that a healthy relationship starts when both parties have a sense of who, they are and what they are searching for in love and relationships.

Love and relationships will continue throughout our existence. Habits will also play a part in relationships, thus learning each other’s habits before intimately joining is smart, since you will know if the person is right for you. Sometimes relationships develop and each other learnt the other’s habits, but as the year’s progress, the habits become frustrating. On this note, we must understand effective communication, since obviously there is a breakdown in the relationship.

Posted on 1:00 PM

Guilt Destroying Love and Relationships

By SynClaire at 1:00 PM

When the mind allows guilt to take over, it will tear down relationships, especially if the partner fails to come to terms and agreement with self. To determine if your mind is full of guilt you must ask your self-questions. What did you do so wrong that would offend your partner that cannot be forgiving?

Guilt can break the mind down to the point of no return. Guilt is more than a mistake made; rather it is a violation against rights, humanity, belief, tradition, standards, and love.

When a person fails in a relationship, they may feel a measure of guilt. Thus, confronting the problem now can remove the guilt and make the relationship work. When people confront their problems, it often leads to workable agreements. When procrastination, or else lying to cover the wrong continues the mind consumes itself with emotions based on guilt.

Guilt occurs when conscious actions or thoughts interfere with someone else’s rights, or else against the own person’s beliefs. Mistakes leading to guilt depend on the situation, but for the most part wrongs can lead to right if humanity exists.

If a person commits adultery, thus the problem is solvable if the person acted out of emotion, rather than thought and commits to restoring trust. Of course, actions, effort, behaviors and habits must show the mate that the mistake will never occur again. It depends on the mate but some will forgive, while others may take the insult of the partner letting them know their worth in the relationship to heart and may decide separation and/or divorce is the way out. Adultery is stating to the mate that you have no worth. If the mate decides to forgive, thus you must do your part and allow the guilt to turn into effort to restore trust. You will need consideration, loyalty, compassion, honesty, and may even need to tell your every move for a while during the course of restore. A person with true remorse will work hard, regardless of what he/she needs to do to restore trust.

If a person violates the right of the partner, thus, it depends on the magnitude of violation, but in most instances, it is workable. People act out of emotions and impulses at times, and will often act out of lust occasionally. When the emotions, impulses and desires take control (depending on the length of time control is enforced), the person may do things he or she ordinarily would not do.

Thus, adultery is a justifiable reason to divorce or separate from the spouse, but looking at the entirety of the circumstance can help a person decide. Was the spouse enticed by another individual to commit the act, while the spouse was feeling vulnerable? Still, vulnerability is no excuse on the spouse’s part, but if enticement is the case, then two people wronged you. Was the other person in the act deceived? Did your mate lead the person to believe that he/she was not in a commitment?

Examining the entirety of the act can help the mate determine the direction the relationship is heading, and help the other partner decide what he/she needs to do to make things right again.

Divorce is an attack on the emotions, since a trigger hits the heart and emotions and creates pain, sorrow, hurt, sadness, et cetera. Divorce is showing a disregard for the marriage arrangement unless true reasons for divorce are evident. Thus, divorce should only be considered if the mate commits adultery, abuses the partner, or fails to commit in the relationship arrangement, and/or if death occurs.

If you are in a relationship and your mate committed an insulting act against you, such as adultery. Thus, considering the entirety will help you make a wise decision. If another person enticed your mate on vulnerable grounds, thus consider your partner by asking what were, you thinking at the time. If your mate responds by saying I wasn’t thinking, thus you can ask, what makes me think it won’t happen again? If your mate is sincerely sorry, he/she will let you know by words, action, emotions, thoughts, and tone spoken.

Common causes that lead to divorce and/or separation include jealousy. Other problems such as abuse, bigamy, adultery, guilt, abandonment, imprison, conflicting beliefs, inconsideration, disrespect, and lack of commitment in general.

Jealousy comes in two forms. One form is harmful while the other form is legit. Jealousy delivered in disposition of attitude and/or feelings often cause harm, while zealous forms of jealousy enforce love. Zealous is a watchfulness eye that looks out for the loved one. Zealous mates will work hard to make sure harmful objects or persons are not in the way of true love. Zealous persons will labor throughout the relationship to deliver and fulfill needs to their mate.

Jealousy acted out on hurt emotions can, only further the problem. If a man has a wandering eye, of course this is wrong, since it is showing disregard and lack of respect to the mate. The action also tells the mate that if someone else came along the man may stray. The action further tells the mate that lust is the partners may focus, thus elements of love that make the relationship firm are non-existing, or lacking.

Of course, the mate may feel jealous and with good cause, but allowing the emotions to override thought will only enforce the inappropriate behaviors of the partner.

Inappropriate habits and behaviors, which include careless viewing of programs, or careless consideration in choices overall can increase jealousy, since the emotions become triggered. If the partner has a habit of watching nude programs, pornography, or else reading materials of such content, he/she is lacking respect for the mate. Thus, obvious reason for jealousy exist (zealous) since the mate is wronged, thus the relationship will have problems.

When a person loves another person, the mate will hold the up most attention to the partner. A man that loves his wife will not be looking at other women with sexual eye, or else with intentions of spicing up the relationship. Rather, the man will take pleasure and enjoyment with his mate’s makeup, and find pleasure, satisfaction and joy from the person. Women are not objects of sexuality, or entertainment, however women as well as men are objects, since both work with the other to breakdown relationships.

Thus, this type of relationship is a one-way street, since one partner is self-devoted, and focuses on lust, while the other partner is working alone to keep a relationship alive.

Abuse is another form of disrespect, inconsideration and an action that breaks down relationships. Love may exist on one end of the relationship, but at the other end hate lurks the chambers of the hurting souls. When a man and/or women strike their mate, especially a man, since physically he is stronger, thus, love is not evident. Women that abuse good men that will not hit a woman are poor excuses of women. Likewise, men that batter women are poor excuses of human beings. Men, are guided to love their mate as them self. When a man strikes his mate, the bible clearly states that any man treated his wife treacherous will meet the wrath of God. Thus, the hate inside these types of men has no room for love and commitment. These types are surefire illustrations of self-devotion and self-gratification.

When a mate commits an act of adultery or fornication with another individual outside of the relationship, thus the person is showing disregard and inconsideration to the partner in the relationship. When the mate continues the deceitful treatment against the mate by lying, thus over time the relationship will fail, since God has a way of making the light known to others.

When a person commits bigamy, adultery or fornication outside a relationship, thus the person is saying to the mate that you have no worth to me.

Thus, adultery or acts inappropriate in relationships often lead to guilt. Guilt is the number one force that will consume the mind and eat at it until someone snaps. When a person lives on good standards and beliefs, thus, it leaves little room for guilt therefore a relationship will stand.

Posted on 1:00 PM

Friends in Love and Relationships

By SynClaire at 1:00 PM

Friends are a form of relationship built on different types of love. When man and woman joins in love and relationship, intimacy labors throughout the arrangement, however in friendship a different type of intimacy exists that makes the relationship work. Friendship, as intimate relationships work with the exception that sex is not in the arrangement in some instances. Some friends join in friendship and later commit to sexual relations, thus leading to commitment or else separation.

Friendships that are long lasting usually have the ingredients to make the relationship work. Friends may cause each other agitation, frustration, or unintentional harm down the road in the relationship, yet the two will work together to make it work by finding a resolve.

Friendship is a form of commitment between two or more people, and often friends join in activities, entertainment, and communication. True friends will prove true to the end of the relationship. Friends will not interfere with each other’s life, unless the friend sees the need to address an issue that is causing the friend harm, or in the making of causing him/her harm.

True friends in love and relationships will not hold back any punches when addressing issues with friends. While the friend will not hold back any punches, he/she will use consideration of the person’s feelings and emotions when addressing issues. Friends have your back, which is a symbol of love displayed on their part, and friends that endure throughout the trials and tribulations of the relationship, show love since long-suffering and self-control are visual.

Friends in love and relationship may fight at times, but both parties will apologize for his/her part that instigated the disagreement. Friends will tell you when you are wrong, thus again not holding back any punches, while considering you.

Friends that develop into intimate relationships, often work through the arrangement regardless of the storms laid on their plates. Friendship before intimacy is smart, since the two have an overview of the others behaviors, habits, personality, skills, et cetera.

Love and relationships built on true friendship will last through habits, behaviors, personality flaws, et cetera, providing violence or repeated actions of inconsideration and disrespect is ongoing.

When mates disrespect each other, or show inconsideration ongoing, thus, the relationship will fail, since friendship, love and elements that compose love are lacking.

Disrespect expands further than most people think. Thus, learning beliefs, traditions, and standards is smart when considering love and relationships. Thus, starting out as friends will help you see through the person’s behaviors, habits and personality, what makes him or her up as a person. The makeup of the person will include an insight of standards, traditions, and beliefs.

Beliefs are tricky, since nowadays standards are lower than ever, thus beliefs are often overlying inconsistency and dishonesty. When a person has lack of evidence to support their beliefs, thus faulty thinking is underlying the mind.

Beliefs are either concrete or superficial. To convince me that a person is worth my time, the person better have some realness in light. Thus, superficial beliefs rarely stand firm, thus the person is obviously heading in the wrong direction, and thus the relationship may or may not last.

As you can see, what determines the outlook of friendship, love and relationships depends on the makeup of the persons involved?

What about compatibility, where does it play in friendship, love and relationships…

Compatibility by definition means to exist together in agreement. When two people join in agreement the relationship may or may not last, since down the road can you determine if one person’s mind will change? People live life and gain experience and wisdom along the path, thus a shallow minded person might stumble upon information that changes his/her mind forever.

Thus, incompatibility according to definition means to cause a disturbance by inconvenience and distress. While the definition illustrates a failure down the road, many relationships built on incompatibility proved enduring, since down the road minds changed when facts were gathered leading to convictions.

Thus, conviction is devastating. When you have truth, you have conviction, thus no one can argue with you…therefore, relationships can last in friendship and in love and relationships.

Posted on 1:00 PM

Forgiving in Love and Relationships

By SynClaire at 1:00 PM

Forgiveness is part of the tools needed in relationships to make love work. Forgiveness is letting your mate know that you realize they are human and will make mistakes.

When a person lacks the ability to forgive in relationships, it often causes problems along the way. Many relationships fall apart since one partner may say I forgive you, while showing behaviors that say otherwise. When a person forgives, they let go of the thinking that triggers the emotions repeatedly and continue their relationship without throwing the mistake up in the partners face later down the road.

Some people use mistakes as a tool to control the mate down the road. Thus, they will accumulate the mistakes and only use them when the moment arises to benefit the person. Thus, this is only adding fire to the flames already burning hot in the crevices of the minds emotions.

Accumulating mistakes to use as a weapon is not showing regard for the mate. Although the mate made a mistake, (depends on the mistake), it does not mean the mate does not have love for his/her partner.

Mistakes are a part of life, and when a person learns from their mistakes, it illustrates loyalty and commitment. Examples of mistakes made in relationship can help you to appreciate humanity and love.

Men often complain about their mates making them sleep on the couch, or denying them of intimacy because of mistakes made. Examine this idea closely and tell me what you see?

First, the mate is using sex as a weapon to control the mate. The mate is also going against the commitment in the relationship. What can a person possibly do so wrong that makes the mate say you are sleeping on the couch tonight, or else you are not getting it tonight? Did the mate commit adultery? If so, thus sleeping on the couch or denying the partner of sex is appropriate. Did the mate abuse the partner, by striking at the person physically? If so, getting out of the relationship is smarter than denying. Did the mate come home and slouch in front of the television again without regarding the partner?

Now we can review and examining the situation to determine if denying is appropriate. If your mate comes home each day and slouches in front of the television, thus denying is not the solution to fix the problem. Rather, someone must open the channels of communication to find a solution and resolve the problem. Willingness, consideration, openness, and other elements are essential on both parties’ behalf to work through this situation. Denying the partner, will only lead to bigger problems down the road? If the partner feels neglected, or denied ongoing, thus eventually the human needs to feel needed, wanted and fulfilled will escalate to possible relations outside of the relationship.

The partner may fail to see that he/she too were neglectful in the relationship and act out of emotions, thus committing the ultimate sin that issues divorce.
Although this happens in relationships, some fail even though one party never denies the mate, and works hard to uphold their commitment to the partner. Some mates commit adultery, since the ultimate reason for relationship is wanton, or desire. If the soul mate is upholding their commitment and the partner commits adultery, thus the person may have reasons in mind, or behaviors and habit that lead up to the act.
If the partner is viewing, have inappropriate materials, or other influences sparking the emotions and thoughts, thus the person more likely than not will slip along the path of love. When a person feeds the mind garbage, thus garbage will come out along the path, regardless of the person’s way of life. Almost any incident when a person fed the mind with garbage, thus the person slipped along the way. The person will violate the beliefs, traditions, standards, and commitment of others for selfish gain, thus telling the mate you mean nothing to me.

If you are considering love and relationship, you may want to take the time to ask your self what you expect from a relationship, and what you will not tolerate in a relationship.

Posted on 1:00 PM

Finding Love with Relationships

By SynClaire at 1:00 PM

Mom and dad are in the kitchen roaming about with dad swigging down his last drop of coffee and mom tidying up after the kids have ate and rushed off to school. The two kiss each other as they rush out the door heading off to work. Mom heads one direction, dad goes another direction, and finally they both meet their destination.

At work, the hours go by and tasks are completed, but as mom sits at her desk, her mind begins to wonder. “What do I cook for supper?” she thinks. Her mind continues racing as she recalls the Parent Teachers Conference the following week. Mom now has to find time off work to join the meeting, and hopes that her children are doing well in school. When she arrives home, she cooks, cleans and finds time to relax after a busy schedule. Dad has already hit the couch watching the latest news, while the kids are in their room doing homework.

A common relationship is ongoing, and the next week mom makes the Parent Teacher Conference all to find that her children are failing in school. She thinks, “Have I encouraged my children enough?” Mom begins to blame her self, and when she arrives home anxious to talk with her husband, she finds him absence. Dad had to work late again to meet his deadlines, so she calls the office where dad works and dad is not answering the phone. Later that evening dad comes home. The kids are in bed and mom is sitting aimlessly staring into the space, when dad says, “Hi honey, how was your day?”

Mom frustrated and confused snaps, “How was your day.” Dad shoots her a curious look and says, “I am sorry honey, I had to work late again.” Mom shots back with a hint of anger, “Why didn’t you answer the phone when I called.” She walks up to her husband and smells a reek of alcohol on his breath. “You worked late, huh,” she stammers with a hint of “yea right.” Dad stares for a moment and says, “Ok, I did stop off for a few drinks at the local tavern, I was only there for an hour, I swear.” Mom stares haplessly at him for a moment and turns on her heals, storming out of the room.

What do you think will happen next? As we can see we have love and relationship, and a family arrangement, but something is missing to make this relationship stand. We can review the scenario together to see which elements needed to make this relationship solid. In the first scene, family arrangement is in tact since it takes two to work to make ends meet. Thus, the parents are readying for work, while the children are heading off to school. Mom has done her job in preparing breakfast, and kissing dad as he rushes off to work.

Mom has also attended the meeting, and adhered to her motherly and spouse duties, and has worked at her job. Would it help if dad helped her along in the kitchen and around the house, since mom has two jobs? Yes, it would help. Still, this is only one of the elements to make a relationship stand. Sharing is always a good thing in love and relationships. When two people share, it brings them together.

Mom has emotions that are instigating trouble, since she is blaming her self for her children’s failure, and shows those emotions when dad comes home with the reek of alcohol on her breath. Dad doing as he pleases, would not like it if the tables turned.

Obviously, mom is feeling frustrated and appears to take it out on dad, which makes him think or readers believe that mom is emotional. However, mom expressed her feelings with assertiveness and disagreement; still she stormed out of the room, leaving the conversation hanging in the air. We see a lack of communication in this family, since from the beginning of the story to the end; we did not hear communication between the children, mom or dad. We also need respect to make this relationship stand.

Posted on 1:00 PM

Extracts of Love and Relationships

By SynClaire at 1:00 PM

Several persons begin relationships out of desire, which is the opposite of aspiration. Once the relationship progresses and one tires of the other, they often drift worlds apart. These types of relationships are often harmful; since selfish motivation sparks, the relationship and thus the result only bring down the outlook of love and relationship. When a person has desire in mind while starting a relationship, it is almost guaranteed there will be other relationships outside of the relationship, and the other person will hurt since they are in love alone.

A trail of broken hearts follows behind these types of relationships. Thus, knowing who you are is the start that determines if you will find true love and relationship. If you are in contact with your emotions, personality, beliefs, standards, and so forth, thus you can touch the fine lines of love and relationship while remaining in love and in the relationship. Thus, lust, love and relationship have a separation that needs defined to make love last.

Desires are a mindful response to emotions triggered by appealing appetizers, and backed with impulses. Lust throughout the years has proven harmful, especially if the action acted out on lust has gain in mind, which focuses on sexual pleasures.

Nowadays, few people remain steadfast in love and relationships, while considering love in the context delivered from originality. Religion, politics, unfaithfulness, lust, and other influences often join man and woman together, yet still relationships fail.

Love behind the years has confirmed that respect, consideration and other elements of love are non-existing, and thus relationships often fail. When two people join in relationships and love they must adhere to the advice provided to them by the Law of God and not man. When couples step on boundaries and disregard true advice they often find them self-heading down the path to divorce and/or separation, thus, finding true love takes skill, patients, long-suffering, and other human mechanisms to make love last.

A good relationship is based on trust, love, and faith, self-control and sharing. When one partner is giving more than the other partner this is not love. When one partner trusts that his or her partner is faithful and the partner is out spreading it around like the plague then someone is going to get hurt.

Thus, in the present day of love and relationships, hurt often consumes relationships, thus divorce and/or separation result. Some relationships can withstand the weathers with one partner working, but all relationships take two to make it last. Thus, some men have a history of proving unfaithful, dishonest, deceitful, et cetera. At one time women were never heard of committing such acts as adultery, murder, or abusing the mate. Thus, nowadays women fed up with the ways many men have demonstrated throughout history, including engaging in adulterous affairs, and inappropriate materials, thus nowadays women are making a statement by acting out the same.

Women at one time worked at home raising the children and taking care of the household. Often the man would work, bringing home the bread and rarely did you hear reports of divorce or separation. Still they existed, but at present divorces and separation is an ongoing issue in society.

Nowadays, it is next to impossible to find pure love. Good men often find women that treat them ill, while bad men are mistreating women badly that their views of men diminish over time. Good women often find men that cheat, lie, or take them for granted, thus finding a good relationship nowadays is next to impossible.

Likewise, women at present are taking a stand, thus showing that low tolerance is in the making. The one surefire element that composes true love is long-suffering, thus men and women alike nowadays lack the ability to illustrate this ingredient that makes up love.

Different relationships in the world boil down to good or bad relationships. When two people join in intimate relations, both parties must work hard to make the relationship work. A bad relationship will utilize tools believing that the mechanisms will keep the spice in his or her life when they feel tired out of the mate. In other words, a bad relationship focuses on sexual gratification, which never occurs, since he or she tires out quickly. The person may engage in pornographic reading or viewing, promiscuous relationships, violence, and so forth to gratify the desire.