
Media will argue when writers or protestors stand up and state what harm entertainment and media causes in love and relationships. While the source can argue the evidence and patterns trailing behind us proves them liars.

Entertainment today enforces sexuality and violence while breaking down the rules of honesty, trust, faithfulness, loyalty, self-control, et cetera. Couples today sit in front of television for hours, or listen to all types of music for hours instead of joining in family activities. Children today consume their time playing video games, listening to harmful music, and engaging in viewing of harmful television programs. While the media says we all have our own choices, it is difficult to make good choices when you turn on the television and nudity, violence, profanity, and other inhumane activities are going on, on every station turned.

Nowadays, television is beyond open. Many people will use the term open mind to get their way. Open-minded people will not engage in harmful viewing, behaviors, actions, sound, et cetera, rather this types of minds will utilize the tools that prevent them harm.

When couples spend hours watching harmful movies, listening to painful sounds, or else engaging in hours of video play they are not taking the time to live, learn and love.

Entertainment enforces behavior. If the entertainment is good then good results will come of the activity, or engaging. On the other hand, if entertainment is bad then harm will result. It may not appear obvious at the onset, but over the course of the relationship, the traces of harm will creep in and out of the cracks.

Examples of harm caused by inappropriate entertainment, which lead to the breakdown in relationships is visual in the following illustration: *A young mother joined in a relationship after giving birth to another child. The woman’s standards and belief was firm, while the husband’s degree of humane stooped to the level of today’s way of thinking. The mother traditional and submissive to the husband worked effortless to make the family arrangement work, while the children and husband joined in inhume viewing and behaviors of entertainments. Overtime the children became aggressive and acting out of violence each time rules were set in the household. The father inconsiderate and lacking the ability to love rarely helped the mother with discipline and control of the children’s behaviors, rather he enforced the wrongful conduct. Over time the woman after dishing out years of long-suffering, love, hope, et cetera fell into the charts of divorce when the husband committed adultery. The husband sold drugs, administered drugs, and solicited prostitution while encouraging the children to do the same. The children later appeared in court for criminal persecution, as well the husband landed in court facing charges against him. The family fell apart by divorce, lack of communication, inactive family participation, and harmful entertainment. While each family member came from broken homes, the mother had the wisdom (if only the others would listen) to make a productive relationship, while demonstrating true love.

As you can see, what you feed the mind comes out over time. The mind controls the body, including wellness, productivity, performance, et cetera. When the mind is fed garbage, it will gradually show in behaviors, case studies, patterns, habits, et cetera.

The term what you eat is who you, are, is not a joke. Rather it is a statement backed with evidence and truth. Likewise, what you put in the mind enforces what will come out over time. If you are spending hours on a couch watching movies, thus you are stating to your mate that the person is not interesting enough to move you to share time together. What is your mate doing that makes you feel this way? Sometimes a mate does nothing to enforce this negative reaction from the partner; rather it is their way of thinking, and their level of standards. When couples join to make love, they are joining to stand together through thickness and thin, better or worse, sickness and health until death says their love is no more.

This scenario is hypo-theorized since the content requested in this article is in original nature, thus quoting is not permitted. However, the story is illustrated from a real-life experience.

Posted on 9:48 AM

Enhance Your Toxic Relationship

By SynClaire at 9:48 AM

In any relationship, the most significant thing you can do is be honest and gain the trust of your mate. If the relationship is toxic, you might want to find the best solution that works for the both of you, but be honest while doing so. You first need to decide if the toxic relationship is suffering because of your own issues, including behaviors. People change; emotions change and when we get to a point of no return, we can often search inside ourselves to see if the problem in the relationship lies within ourselves. Relationships are based on trust and understanding one another. If you do not have trust and understanding, more than likely your relationship will turn toxic. This means you and your partner need to find a solution to deal with the problem, or get out. Plain and simple, you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

Laying the foundation in the beginning is the first step to a successful relationship. Foundations based on stability offer a rewarding, long-lasting relationship, while unstable foundations lead to breakups. Therapy is good, but if you can sit down and talk through your own problems this is the best solution and it will save you money. Talking is the mark of eliminating problems, while frustration comes from those who cannot form the skills to communicate.

Incompatibility can lead to breakup, thus weighing out your relationship vigilantly before beginning a relationship can prevent disaster. If you are already involved in a toxic relationship more than likely, you will need to evaluate the compatibilities. You do have the options of working through the incompatibilities or getting out.

Compatibility extends to family history. If you are suffering problems due to family quarrels, the ride gets strenuous. Families that tend to like the person their child is with, is less likely to give you problems. Toxic relationships are painful when families butt into your business frequently. Many persons who begin relationships and have been with their mate for sometime may find that neither party is compatible. The relationship can still work if the two of you communicate and comprise a plan that both can agree on. Read and learn the steps in good relationships by buying books that offer a good strategy for the incompatible couples.

Many times people commit to relationships with the idea that they can change the other person later. This is not good! Either you like whom you meet, or you do not. No one can change another human being, the person must have the desire to change him or her self, and the first step to change is acceptance and then willingness to make the changes.

One should be skeptical of those who vow to change for you. Often the promises are not met, or the person has “hidden terrors” that could be forced onto you later.

If you are a dreamer, you may look at your mate as a fantasy. This is not good either. You lose the benefits by not getting to know the person you have mated with or you wake up from your dream and find that you made a serious mistake.

The chief focus to keep in mind is to communication, spend quality time, stay focused, and lay a good foundation for your relationship; keep it honest and learn to trust one another, with unselfish motives.

Selfishness has lead to various problems, including adultery, murder, fornication, theft, and so forth. Thus, selfish is one of the leading causes of breakups in relationships and marriage.

As you can see, sharing plays a large part in love and relationships. When two people share, they are giving something to the other that leaves a lasting feeling of joy and love. Two people working together without selfishness often build a relationship on solid grounds, and often endure through tribulations, joyous moments, and so forth. Relationships built on solid grounds rarely fall apart when troubles come their way. Thus, enhance your toxic relationship, or get out!